

The Zinc API lets you buy things from popular online retailers, including, with a single POST request. Zinc also lets you get prices and descriptive information about products from supported retailers.

The Zinc API is organized around REST. Our API has predictable, resource-oriented URLs.

Quick start

  1. Make an account at
  2. Follow the instructions in the create an order section from the documentation below to place your first order.


Example authentication request

curl \
  -u <client_token>:

You can authenticate your account by including your client token in your request. Authentication is performed through HTTP Basic Auth, where the client token is the basic auth username value. You do not need to provide a password.

Make sure that you don't share your client token and that you keep it away from publicly accessible areas such as Github, client-side code, etc. Client tokens are tied to your account, so you will be charged for any orders or requests made with your client token. If you believe your client token has been compromised, please contact [email protected] immediately.

Idempotency Keys

Example idempontency key request

curl "" \
  -u <client_token>: \
  -d '{
  "idempotency_key": <idempotency_key>,
  "retailer": "amazon",
  "max_price": 2300,

The Zinc API does not provide out of the box deduplication of orders. Each time you send a new order request, the Zinc API will attempt to place a new order. However, the API supports idempotency for safely retrying requests without accidentally performing the same operation twice. For example, if an order request fails due to a network connection error, you can retry the request with the same idempotency key to guarantee that only a single order is created.

To perform an idempotent request, attach a unique key to request body of any POST request with the parameter "idempotency_key": <idempotency_key>. How you create unique keys is completely up to you. We suggest using random strings or UUIDs. We'll always send back the same response for requests made with the same key. If you receive an error on a request, you can retry by sending another request with a different idempotency key. Once you receive an error or success response, the order will no longer change.

Idempotency keys are strongly recommended. In the unlikely event that an API request returns a 5XX status code, duplicate requests could occur if you reattempt the request. We can't be sure of the state of the request when we return a 5XX status code, so it's best to attempt requests with an idempotency key. If you aren't using an idempotency key and you retry orders with a 5XX error code, Zinc will not refund you for duplicate orders.

Supported retailers

The table below shows the endpoints available for each retailer.

Note that this is a partial list. We support hundreds more retailers in beta. For details, please email [email protected].

Name Retailer Code Orders Product Details Product Offers Product Search
Amazon† amazon Y Y Y Y
Amazon United Kingdom† amazon_uk Y Y Y Y
Amazon Canada† amazon_ca Y Y Y Y
Amazon Germany† amazon_de Y Y Y Y
Amazon Mexico† amazon_mx Y Y Y Y
Costco costco Y* Y Y N
Walmart walmart Y Y Y N
HomeDepot homedepot Y* Y Y N
Lowes lowes N Y N N
AliExpress aliexpress Y* Y Y N

*Currently in beta. Prime Pantry Items, Kindles, Alexa Products, and Digital items(eBooks and Digital movies) are not supported


Create an order

Example create an order request

curl "" \
  -u <client_token>: \
  -d '{
  "retailer": "amazon",
  "products": [
      "product_id": "B0016NHH56",
      "quantity": 1
  "max_price": 2300,
  "shipping_address": {
    "first_name": "Tim",
    "last_name": "Beaver",
    "address_line1": "77 Massachusetts Avenue",
    "address_line2": "",
    "zip_code": "02139",
    "city": "Cambridge",
    "state": "MA",
    "country": "US",
    "phone_number": "5551230101"
  "is_gift": true,
  "gift_message": "Here is your package, Tim! Enjoy!",
  "shipping": {
    "order_by": "price",
    "max_days": 5,
    "max_price": 1000
  "payment_method": {
    "name_on_card": "Ben Bitdiddle",
    "number": "5555555555554444",
    "security_code": "123",
    "expiration_month": 1,
    "expiration_year": 2020,
    "use_gift": false
  "billing_address": {
    "first_name": "William",
    "last_name": "Rogers",
    "address_line1": "84 Massachusetts Ave",
    "address_line2": "",
    "zip_code": "02139",
    "city": "Cambridge",
    "state": "MA",
    "country": "US",
    "phone_number": "5551234567"
  "retailer_credentials": {
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "password": "myRetailerPassword",
    "totp_2fa_key": "3DE4 3ERE 23WE WIKJ GRSQ VOBG CO3D METM 2NO2 OGUX Z7U4 DP2H UYMA"
  "webhooks": {
    "request_succeeded": "",
    "request_failed": "",
    "tracking_obtained": ""
  "client_notes": {
    "our_internal_order_id": "abc123",
    "any_other_field": ["any value"]

Example create an order response

  "request_id": "3f1c939065cf58e7b9f0aea70640dffc"

Zinc offers an API for apps that need real-time order placing capabilities. With a single POST request, you can order an item from one of our supported retailers. Making an order request will start an order. You'll receive a request_id in the POST body's response which you'll then use for retrieving the status of the order. The following illustration shows the flow for a typical order.

flow chart for making an order

Required attributes

Attribute Type Description
retailer String The retailer code of the supported retailer
products List A list of product objects that should be ordered
shipping_address Object An address object to which the order will be delivered
shipping_method String The desired shipping method for the object. Available methods are cheapest (always select the cheapest method available), fastest (always select the fastest method available), amazon_day (choose default from Amazon or use amazon_day attribute from order), or free (which will fail for items without some sort of free shipping). You must provide either this or the shipping attribute, but not both.
shipping Object A shipping object with information as to which shipping method to use. You must provide either this or the shipping_method attribute, but not both.
billing_address Object An address object for the person associated with the credit card
payment_method Object A payment method object containing payment information for the order
retailer_credentials Object A retailer credentials object for logging into the retailer with a preexisting account
is_gift Boolean Whether or not this order should be placed as a gift. Typically, retailers will exclude the price of the items on the receipt if this is set.
max_price Number The maximum price in cents for the order. If the final price exceeds this number, the order will not go through and will return a max_price_exceeded error.

Optional attributes for all orders

Attribute Type Description
gift_message String A message to include on the packing slip for the recipient. Must be no more than 240 characters, or 9 lines.
require_gift Boolean If is_gift is true, setting require_gift to true will cause the order to fail if any items in the order do not include a gift option.
webhooks Object A webhooks object including URLs that will receive POST requests after particular events have finished
client_notes Object Any metadata to store on the request for future use. This object will be passed back in the response.
promo_codes Array A list of promotion codes to use at checkout. See promo code object.
strict_expired_product_id Boolean Defaults to false. If true, we will fail orders where the product_id is "expired" or "deprecated". If unset or false, Amazon redirects us to a valid product_id and we buy that one.
po_number Number (Amazon business accounts only). Adds a purchase order number to the order.
amazon_day String (Amazon only) Specify exact name of Amazon Day shipping selection when ship_method is set to amazon_day.
fail_if_taxed Boolean Defaults to false. If true, we will fail orders where taxes are included in the total. This is useful for ZMA orders which should not be placed if no tax exempt account is available.
max_delivery_days Number (Amazon only) Defaults to unlimited. If set, we will fail orders with error max_delivery_days_exceeded if the retailer estimates delivery more than this many days in the future.
take_buybox_offers Boolean Bypass the process of looking at all offers - takes whatever the default offer is on the item details page buy box.
force_offers_postal_code String Uses this postal code for offer selection instead of the shipping_address.zip_code value.

Optional attributes for ZMA orders

Attribute Type Description
zma_discount Number The percent below (or above, if negative) face value that you will be charged for this order. Can range from -50 to 0. Lower discount orders will be processed before higher discount orders. If discount is too high and we are unable to secure ordering at that discount, the order will time out with zma_temporarily_overloaded. Defaults to 0%.
addax_queue_timeout Number Defaults to 14400. Number of seconds an order will stay in the ZMA queue before timing out with zma_temporarily_overloaded.
zma_prime_optout Boolean Defaults to false. Set this value to true to force your ZMA order to use a non-prime fulfillment account.
zma_priority_bid Number A fixed-value bid used to prioritize ZMA orders. Successful orders will include the bid value in their ZMA cost. A value of 100 equals a bid of $1.00. Orders with higher bids get a higher priority.

Retrieving an order

Example retrieve an order request

curl "" \
  -u <client_token>:

To see the status of an order, append the 'request_id' returned from your order query to the order URL and place GET request. Orders usually take a while to process. While your order is processing, the response will return an error with code type request_processing.

Example retrieve an order response (request processing)

  "_type": "error",
  "code": "request_processing",
  "message": "Request is currently processing and will complete soon.",
  "data": {}

Example retrieve an order response (order response)

  "_type" : "order_response",
  "price_components" : {
    "converted_payment_total": 1999,
    "currency": "USD",
    "payment_currency": "USD",
    "shipping" : 0,
    "subtotal" : 1999,
    "tax" : 0,
    "total" : 1999
  "merchant_order_ids" : [
      "merchant_order_id" : "112-1234567-7272727",
      "merchant" : "amazon",
      "account" : "[email protected]",
      "placed_at" : "2014-07-02T23:51:08.366Z"
  "tracking" : [
      "product_id" : "0923568964",
      "merchant_order_id" : "112-1234567-7272727",
      "carrier" : "Fedex",
      "tracking_number" : "9261290100129790891234",
      "obtained_at" : "2014-07-03T23:22:48.165Z"
  "request" : {

Once the request process completes, the retrieve an order response should either return a response of type order_response, with the details of the successfully placed order or error. An error response body will contain a code and a message. The code indicates the error that occurred, while the message provides a more detailed description of the error. Any extra details about the error will be provided in the data object. For a full list of errors, see the Errors section.

Order response attributes

Attribute Type Description
price_components Object A price components object which contains details about the price of the final order
merchant_order_ids Array A merchant order ids object which contains details about the retailer's order identifiers
tracking Array An array of tracking objects that contain the order's tracking information. In most cases, this field will not be populated immediately after the order is placed and will only be available later after tracking is updated by the retailer. Once tracking has been obtained, a POST request will be sent to the tracking_obtained field of the webhooks object from the request if set.
request Object The original request that was sent to the Zinc API
delivery_dates Array An array of ordered products and their given delivery dates
account_status Array (Amazon only) An account status object that gives details about the ordering account

Retrieving a list of orders

Example query for all Amazon orders (up to 5000) for June 1, 2019 14:00 - July 1, 2019 14:00

curl "" \
  -u <client_token>:

To get a list of all orders within a specific timestamp range, use the order query and include these additional query parameters.

Order query parameters

Parameter Type Description
limit Number Maximum number of orders to return in the results (defaults to 10)
skip Number Number of order responses to skip before including up to limit orders in results
starting_after Number Timestamp of start of the range (inclusive)
ending_before Number Timestamp of end of the range (exclusive)
retailer String name of the retailer to include orders from

The timestamps are unix timestamps in milliseconds, which you can read about here unix timestamps. To easily convert a human-readable date / time to a unix timestamp, you can use this converter.

Sample code that includes an example of a bulk order query can be found in this github repo.

Selecting an offer & shipping

When placing an order, each product will have multiple offers from different sellers each with their own shipping options. To address this, use a product's seller selection criteria to filter offers and an order's shipping parameter to specify shipping preferences. Below is an flowchart of the process used to filter offers and select a shipping option.

flow chart for making an order

Default seller selection criteria

If a seller selection criteria object is not explicitly provided, then the API will use the default: { "prime": true, "handling_days_max": 6, "condition_in": ["New"] }

Some examples

Aborting an order

Example order abort request

curl "<request_id>/abort" \
  -X POST \
  -u <client_token>:

Example successful order abort response

  "_type": "error",
  "code": "aborted_request",
  "message": "The request was aborted before it completed.",
  "data": {
    "msg": "Order aborted and dequeued"
  "request_id": "3f1c939065cf58e7b9f0aea70640dffc",
  "request": {

Example abort response that is still pending

  "_type": "error",
  "code": "request_processing",
  "message": "Request is currently processing and will complete soon.",
  "data": {}
  "request_id": "3f1c939065cf58e7b9f0aea70640dffc",

The Zinc API allows you to abort orders that are still in the request_processing stage. This functionality is intended to abort an order if was made by mistake or if it is taking too long to process.

The response will be the same as if you were to GET the order. If we were able to immediately abort the order, the order will have an error code of aborted_request. It can take time for an order to abort and success is not guaranteed. You can either periodically poll the order to check if it was aborted or use webhooks.

Amazon email verification

Occasionally, Amazon requires verification of account ownership and will email you a code during login. If this happens during an order, you will receive an account_locked_verification_required error. There are a few options for resolving this issue.

Retrying an order

Sometimes an order will fail for reasons that are temporary. In these situations, orders can be retried after the temporary conditions are resolved. A successful order retry response contains the request_id of the new order.

Example order retry request

curl "<request_id>/retry" \
  -X POST \
  -u <client_token>:

Example successful order retry response

  "request_id": "3f1c939065cf58e7b9f0aea70640dffc"


Initiate a cancellation

Example cancellation

curl "<request_id>/cancel" \
  -X POST \
  -u <client_token>: \

Example advanced cancellation

curl "<request_id>/cancel" \
  -X POST \
  -u <client_token>: \
  -H 'Content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "merchant_order_id": "112-1234567-7272727",
    "webhooks": {
      "request_succeeded": "",
      "request_failed": ""

Example cancellation response

  "request_id": "3f1c939065cf58e7b9f0aea70640dffc"

The Zinc API supports pre-shipment order cancellation on and Simply POST to the cancellation endpoint,<request_id>/cancel. Note that cancelling an order occurs after an order has been successfully placed on the API. This is distinct from aborting an order, which occurs while the order is still in progress. Cancellations will send a cancellation request to the retailer and attempt to stop the order from shipping and can only be initiated for order requests that were successful.

Required attributes

Attribute Type Description
merchant_order_id String The merchant order id of the order that you would like to cancel. If the order has multiple merchant_order_ids you must cancel each separately.

Optional cancellation attributes

Attribute Type Description
webhooks Object A webhooks object including URLs that will receive POST requests after request_succeeded and request_failed

Retrieve a cancellation

Example cancellation retrieval request

curl "<request_id>" \
  -u <client_token>:

Example cancellation retrieval response

  "_type": "cancellation_response",
  "merchant_order_id": "112-1234567-7272727",
  "request": {

To retrieve a cancellation response given a cancellation request id, simply make a GET request to the cancellation URL "<request_id>". You will receive either a request_processing response, an error response, or a successful cancellation response of type "cancellation_response".

Cancellation response attributes

Attribute Type Description
merchant_order_id String The merchant order id of the order that was cancelled
request Object The original request that was sent to the Zinc API

Attempting to cancel

Example attempting_to_cancel cancellation response

  "_type": "error",
  "code": "attempting_to_cancel",
  "message": "The retailer is attempting to cancel the order.",
  "data": {
    "msg": "Attempting to cancel order",
  "request": {

In about 50% of cases, Amazon is unable to immediately cancel an order. Instead, they tell Zinc that they're "Attempting to Cancel" the order. This currently results in the failure code attempting_to_cancel in the API. This status will be updated when the order is either cancelled successfully or if the cancellation fails. The Zinc API will continue to poll the retailer and attempt to figure out the status of the order, but no guarantees can be made for how long this will take. Once Zinc determines the actual status of the cancellation, the attempting_to_cancel error code will be removed and the updated response will take its place.

The request_failed webhook will be hit if the cancellation goes into the attempting_to_cancel state. If it moves out of this state and into an error state, the request_failed webhook will be hit again with the updated cancellation response. If the cancellation moves into a successful state, the request_succeeded webhook will be hit with the updated cancellation response. Thus if you are using the request_succeeded and request_failed webhooks, you won't need to poll the cancellation request id to learn about changes from the attempting_to_cancel state.


Create a Return

Example return label request

curl "<request_id>/return" \
  -X POST \
  -u <client_token>: \
  -H 'Content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "webhooks": {
      "request_succeeded": "",
      "request_failed": "",
    "products": [{"product_id": "B0000001234", "quantity": 1}],
    "reason_code": "inaccurate website description",
    "method_code": "UPS Dropoff",
    "explanation": "Additional details for Amazon seller",
    "cancel_pending": false

Example return label response

  "request_id": "3f1c939065cf58e7b9f0aea70640dffc"

The Zinc API also supports generating return labels. Returns are only available on the following retailers: amazon, amazon_uk. You can create a return for an order by POSTING to the<request_id>/return route where request_id is the request id of the original order.

Required attributes

Attribute Type Description
products List A list of product objects that should be returned
reason_code String The reason for the return. This is passed directly to Amazon. Reason codes will vary depending on Amazon country. Many users have had success using "inaccurate website description" for and "description on website was not accurate" for Note that the reason_code must be an exact match with the reason code dropdown available on Amazon.
method_code String The method of returning the specified products. This is passed directly to Amazon. The available options may vary based on Amazon country and customer address. Note that UPS Dropoff is the only method supported for automatic refunds on Zinc Managed Account orders. If you'd like to use a different method, you'll need to manually request a refund.
explanation String Any extra information that will be passed to Amazon or the Amazon seller. It is required for some return reasons.

Optional attributes

Attribute Type Description
webhooks Object A webhooks object including URLs that will receive POST requests after particular events have finished.
cancel_pending Boolean Whether or not this request should cancel any pending returns while creating a new return. If false, the request will return a return_in_progress error code if a pending return already exists. Defaults to false.
return_address Object An address object from which the return is sent. If not provided, the default return address from Amazon will be used.

Retrieving a return

Example return retrieval request

curl "<request_id>" \
  -u <client_token>:

Example return retrieval response

  "_type": "return_response",
  "merchant_return_id": "12345678-abcd-efgh-1234-abcde1234567",
  "return_by": "2018-02-01T00:00:00",
  "label_urls": [
  "request": {

Example return_in_progress return retrieval response

  "_type": "error",
  "code": "return_in_progress",
  "message": "A return is currently in progress for the items you specified.",
  "data": {
    "status": {
      "status": "Refund issued",
      "description": "$6.30 refund issued on Nov 22, 2017."
    "error": "Tried to cancel but could not find cancel button",
  "request": {

To retrieve a return response given a return request id, simply make a GET request to the return URL "". You will receive either a request_processing response, an error response, or a successful cancellation response of type "return_response".

Return response attributes

Attribute Type Description
merchant_return_id String A unique identifier for the return
return_by String The date before which the products must be returned by
label_urls Array A list of URLs for the generated return labels
request Object The original request that was sent to the Zinc API

You can use the return_in_progress error to check the status of your return. Just supply an invalid method_code like "Dummy Method Code". If the return is in progress, you'll get the status back with the error. If the return is not yet started, we'll be unable to start a return because the method code does not exist.

Product Data

Zinc can get product details, product offers and search supported retailers. In general, these calls are tuned for throughput rather than latency. If you need responses quickly, we have realtime versions of each call. Also, proper use of the optional max_age or newer_than query parameters will improve response times.

Product Details

Example product details request

curl \
  -u <client_token>:

Get up to date information on the title, description, manufacturer details, item specifics, and more for any product on our supported retailers.

To retrieve product details, make a GET request to the following URL, replacing <product_id> with the retailer's unique identifier for a particular product and specifying the request attributes as query parameters in the URL.<product_id>?retailer=<retailer_name>

Required request attributes

Attribute Type Description
retailer String The retailer for the product

Optional request attributes

Attribute Type Description
max_age Number A number in seconds setting the maximum age of the response. The data returned in the response will be at most this many seconds old. Cannot specify with newer_than.
newer_than Number A timestamp setting the minimum time the response should be retrieved from. The data returned in the response will be newer this timestamp. Cannot specify with max_age.
async Boolean Determines whether the resulting response will be asynchronous. If set to true, then the API will not block waiting for a result. Instead, it will immediately return status: "processing" and you will be responsible for resending the request until the response is no longer status: "processing". Defaults to false.

Example product details response

    "status": "completed",
    "original_retail_price": 899,
    "timestamp": 1515775557,
    "all_variants": [
            "variant_specifics": [
                    "dimension": "Size",
                    "value": "2"
            "product_id": "B00Q3H18EQ"
            "variant_specifics": [
                    "dimension": "Size",
                    "value": "1"
            "product_id": "B00KFP6NHO"
    "retailer": "amazon",
    "feature_bullets": [
        "Includes four freeze-and-feed popsicle molds with handles shaped perfectly for little hands",
        "Perfect for fresh homemade puree popsicles - turn fresh fruit/veggie puree or juice into 1 fl. oz popsicles",
        "Wide popsicle-holder base catches drips as the popsicle melts to reduce the risk of messes",
        "Great for teething babies to help soothe sore gums",
        "6 Months + / BPA Free"
    "variant_specifics": [
            "dimension": "Size",
            "value": "1"
    "main_image": "",
    "images": [
    "package_dimensions": {
        "weight": {
            "amount": 8.5,
            "unit": "ounces"
        "size": {
            "width": {
                "amount": 4,
                "unit": "inches"
            "depth": {
                "amount": 5.8,
                "unit": "inches"
            "length": {
                "amount": 5.8,
                "unit": "inches"
    "epids": [
            "type": "MPN",
            "value": "5438"
            "type": "UPC",
            "value": "048526054381"
            "type": "EAN",
            "value": "0048526054381"
    "product_id": "B00KFP6NHO",
    "asin": "B00KFP6NHO",
    "ship_price": 0,
    "categories": [
        "Home & Kitchen",
        "Kitchen & Dining",
        "Kitchen Utensils & Gadgets",
        "Specialty Tools & Gadgets",
        "Ice Pop Molds"
    "review_count": 829,
    "epids_map": {
        "MPN": "5438",
        "UPC": "048526054381",
        "EAN": "0048526054381"
    "title": "Nuby Garden Fresh Fruitsicle Frozen Pop Tray",
    "brand": "Nuby",
    "product_description": "Size:1  Nuby's Garden Fresh Fruitsicle Frozen Popsicle Tray\nis specially designed for making fresh puree popsicles at home. Nuby’s\nFruitsicles are the perfect size for baby’s small hands and are designed to\ncatch drips as the pop melts. Fruitsicles are perfect for teething babies with\nsore gums. This set includes four fruitsicle handles and a tray to mold the\npops while keeping them in place while in your freezer. To use: fill\ncompartments with fresh puree, breast milk, or juice. Snap handles into mold\nand freeze until solid. BPA Free. By Nuby",
    "product_details": [
        "Product Dimensions: 5.8 x 5.8 x 4 inches ; 7.8 ounces",
        "Shipping Weight: 8.5 ounces",
        "Domestic Shipping: Item can be shipped within U.S.",
        "UPC: 048526054381 013513034066",
        "Item model number: 5438"
    "question_count": 44,
    "stars": 4.4,
    "fresh": false,
    "pantry": false,
    "handmade": false,
    "digital": false,
    "buyapi_hint": true,
    "price": 799

Response attributes

Attribute Type Description
status String Possible values are processing, failed, or completed. You will only see processing if async: true was set on the request
retailer String The retailer for the product
product_id String The retailer's unique identifier for the product
timestamp String The timestamp that the resource was accessed
title String Title of the product
product_details Array An array of strings providing details about the product
feature_bullets String An array of strings providing highlights of the product
brand String The brand of the product (if available)
main_image String The URL of the primary image associated with the product
images Array An array of image URLs associated with the product
variant_specifics Array Array of objects containing information about the types and values of a particular product variant. A variant specifics object contains a dimension field describing the type of the variant (e.g. "Color") and a value field describing the specific value available. At the top level, this contains information on the selected variant
all_variants Array An array of variant_specifics objects detailing all variants of the product as well as their product IDs
categories Array Array of different categories that the product belongs in
authors Array Array of author names (only available for products that are books)
product_description String The description of the product
epids Array Array of objects containing external product identifier (epid) objects. An epid object contains a type field describing the name of the external product identifier and a value field for the identifier's value
epids_map Array An array of the epids with the epid type as the the field and the epid value as the value
package_dimensions Array An array detailing the packaging details if available. Each dimension contains a 'amount' and 'unit'
item_location String (AliExpress only) The originating location of the product
original_retail_price Number (Amazon only) The "List Price" in cents of the product (present if the retailer is presenting a crossed out list price)
price Number (Amazon only) The price in cents of the buy box price of the item.
This is not always returned and is often not the cheapest option. If you want a product's price you should use product offers.
review_count Number (Amazon only) The number of reviews of the product
stars Double (Amazon only) The review score of the product
question_count Number (Amazon only) The number of questions on the Amazon question section
asin String (Amazon only) The ASIN of the product
fresh Boolean (Amazon only) True if the item is an Amazon Fresh item
pantry Boolean (Amazon only) True if the item is an Amazon Pantry item
handmade Boolean (Amazon only) True if the item is an Amazon Handmade item
digital Boolean (Amazon only) True if the item is a digital-only item (software subscription, downloadable software, digital video, game codes, etc.)
buyapi_hint Boolean (Amazon only) False if the item cannot be ordered via the buyapi, True if it might be orderable
item_number String (Costco only) The Costco item number of the product (may not contain variant details)

Product Offers

Example product offers request

curl \
  -u <client_token>:

Example product offers response

  "status": "completed",
  "asin": "B007JR5304",
  "offers": [
      "seller": {
        "num_ratings": null,
        "percent_positive": null,
        "first_party": false,
        "name": "Amazon Warehouse",
        "id": "A2L77EE7U53NWQ"
      "marketplace_fulfilled": true,
      "international": false,
      "offer_id": "eMLzuculxk",
      "available": true,
      "handling_days": {
        "max": 0,
        "min": 0
      "price": 928,
      "prime_only": false,
      "condition": "Used - Very Good",
      "addon": false,
      "shipping_options": [
          "price": 0,
          "delivery_days": {
            "max": 4,
            "min": 4
          "name": "one-day"
      "minimum_quantity": null,
  "timestamp": 1543523165,
  "retailer": "amazon"

Get information about all the offers for a particular product, including seller name, item price, shipping price, condition, seller reputation, and more.

To retrieve product offers and prices, make a GET request to the following URL, replacing :product_id with the retailer's unique identifier for a particular product and specifying the request attributes as query parameters in the URL.

Required request attributes

Attribute Type Description
retailer String The retailer for the product

Optional request attributes

Attribute Type Description
max_age Number A number in seconds setting the maximum age of the response. The data returned in the response will be at most this many seconds old. Cannot specify with newer_than.
newer_than Number A timestamp setting the minimum time the response should be retrieved from. The data returned in the response will be newer this timestamp. Cannot specify with max_age.
async Boolean Determines whether the resulting response will be asynchronous. If set to true, then the API will not block waiting for a result. Instead, it will immediately return status: "processing" and you will be responsible for resending the request until the response is no longer status: "processing". Defaults to false.

Response attributes

Attribute Type Description
status String Possible values are processing, failed, or completed. You will only see processing if async: true was set on the request.
retailer String The retailer for the product offers
offers Array An array of product offer objects for a particular product on a retailer

Example product search request

curl '' \
  -u <client_token>:

Get search results from a retailer based on a query term. Results include product id, title, image url, number of reviews, star rating, and price.

To retrieve search results, make a GET request to the following URL, replacing :query with a url-encoded query string and specifying the request attributes as query parameters in the URL.

Required request attributes

Attribute Type Description
query String The query string you want to search for. Must be URL encoded.
page Number The page number of the results page (starts at 1)
retailer String The retailer you are searching on.

Example product offers response

  "status": "completed",
  "timestamp": 1522268852,
  "retailer": "amazon",
  "results": [
      "product_id": "B000NPYY04",
      "title": "Nature's Bounty Fish Oil, 1200 mg Omega-3, 200 Rapid Release Softgels, Dietary Supplement for Supporting Cardiovascular Health(1)",
      "image": "",
      "num_reviews": 395,
      "stars": "4.5 out of 5 stars",
      "fresh": false,
      "price": 1248
      "product_id": "B004U3Y9FU",
      "title": "Nature Made Burpless Fish Oil 1000 mg w. Omega-3 300 mg Softgels 150 Ct",
      "image": "",
      "num_reviews": 0,
      "stars": "4.4 out of 5 stars",
      "fresh": false,
      "price": 1299
      "product_id": "B002VLZHLS",
      "title": "Kirkland Signature Fish Oil Concentrate with Omega-3 Fatty Acids, 400 Softgels, 1000mg",
      "image": "",
      "num_reviews": 0,
      "stars": "4.6 out of 5 stars",
      "fresh": false,
      "price": 1642

Response attributes

Attribute Type Description
status String Possible values are processing, failed, or completed. You will only see processing if async: true was set on the request.
retailer String The retailer for the search results
results Array An array of results for a particular query on a retailer
results.product_id String The product id of a search result
results.title String The title of a search result
results.image String A link to an image of the search result
results.num_reviews Number The number of reviews the product has
results.stars String The star rating of the item (e.g. '4.1 out of 5 stars')
results.fresh Bool Whether or not the product is an Amazon Fresh item
results.price Number The price of the item

Realtime Product Data

The calls documented above are tuned for throughput rather than latency, and for most use cases they work well. There are some use cases (for example, catalog expansion) that have strict latency requirements. To satisfy those use cases we have developed a realtime version of our data APIs. To ensure we meet our latency guarantees, we limit access to the realtime api. To get access to our realtime API, contact [email protected].

Example realtime search request

curl'' \
-u <client_token>:

Example realtime search response

  "status": "completed",
  "timestamp": 1537653337,
  "nextPage": "",
  "retailer": "amazon",
  "results": [
      "product_id": "B00K2RJAR0",
      "title": "OPTIMUM NUTRITION Opti-Men, Mens Daily Multivitamin Supplement with Vitamins C, D, E, B12, 150 Count",
      "price": 2278,
      "image": "",
      "brand": "Optimum Nutrition",
      "prime": true,
      "product_details": []
      "product_id": "B007L0DPE0",
      "title": "Vitafusion Women's Gummy Vitamins, 150 Count (Packaging May Vary)",
      "price": 979,
      "image": "",
      "brand": "Vitafusion",
      "prime": true,
      "product_details": []
      "product_id": "B002H0KZ9M",
      "title": "Vitafusion Multi-vite, Gummy Vitamins For Adults, 150 Count (Packaging May Vary)",
      "price": 979,
      "image": "",
      "brand": "Vitafusion",
      "prime": true,
      "product_details": []
      "product_id": "B003G4BP5G",
      "title": "Centrum Adult (200 Count) Multivitamin / Multimineral Supplement Tablet, Vitamin D3",
      "price": 949,
      "image": "",
      "brand": "Centrum",
      "prime": false,
      "product_details": []
      "product_id": "B00GB85JR4",
      "title": "NatureWise Vitamin D3 5,000 IU for Healthy Muscle Function, Bone Health and Immune Support, Non-GMO in Cold-Pressed Organic Olive Oil,Gluten-Free, 1-year supply, 360 count",
      "price": 1105,
      "image": "",
      "brand": "NatureWise",
      "prime": true,
      "product_details": []
      "product_id": "B00WR6JGD2",
      "title": "Dr. Tobias Multivitamin for Women and for Men - Enhanced Bioavailability - With Whole Food & Herbal Ingredients, Minerals and Enzymes - Rich in Vitamin B & C - Womens And Mens Daily Vitamins - Non-GMO",
      "price": 2277,
      "image": "",
      "brand": "Dr. Tobias",
      "prime": true,
      "product_details": []
      "product_id": "B007L0DONW",
      "title": "Vitafusion Men's Gummy Vitamins, 150 Count (Packaging May Vary)",
      "price": 1174,
      "image": "",
      "brand": "Vitafusion",
      "prime": false,
      "product_details": []
      "product_id": "B071ZH84QG",
      "title": "Centrum Men (250 Count) Multivitamin / Multimineral Supplement Tablet, Vitamin D3",
      "price": 1977,
      "image": "",
      "brand": "Centrum",
      "prime": true,
      "product_details": []
      "product_id": "B0771X1HTZ",
      "title": "One A Day Men's Health Formula Multivitamin, 250 Count",
      "price": 1424,
      "image": "",
      "brand": "ONE A DAY",
      "prime": true,
      "product_details": []
      "product_id": "B01KE592JU",
      "title": "Men's Daily Multimineral/Multivitamin Supplement - Vitamins A C E D B1 B2 B3 B5 B6 B12. Magnesium, Biotin, Spirulina, Zinc. Antioxidant For Heart & Immune Health. 60 Daily Gluten Free Multivitamins.",
      "price": 1897,
      "image": "",
      "brand": "Vimerson Health",
      "prime": true,
      "product_details": []

Expand your product catalog with realtime results from Amazon based on a query term. Results include product id, title, image url, and price.

To retrieve search results, make a GET request to the following URL, replacing <query> with a url-encoded query string and specifying the request attributes as query parameters in the URL.<query>&retailer=<retailer_name>&nextToken=<token>

The first page should always return within 4 seconds and will contain 10 results. If you want to show more than 10 results, you should use AJAX to load additional pages for the best user experience. A demo of this can be found at (source code). Note that you must contact [email protected] first so we can enable this feature for you.

Required request attributes

Attribute Type Description
query String The query string you want to search for. Must be URL encoded.
retailer String The retailer you are searching on. Currently, only amazon is supported.
nextToken Number Not included for the initial request. For subsequent requests, provide the token returned by previous request.

Optional request attributes

Attribute Type Description
includeAddons Boolean If false addons will not be returned in search results.

Response attributes

Attribute Type Description
status String Possible values are failed, or completed.
retailer String The retailer for the search results
results Array An array of results for a particular query on a retailer
results.product_id String The ASIN of a search result
results.title String The title of a search result
results.image String A link to an image of the search result
results.price Number The price of the item.
results.product_details Number Additional data about product if any was found.
results.addon Boolean Will be true if the best offer (aka BuyBox) is an addon. Rarely, this field will not be returned which simply means we were unable to determine addon status in timely manner.

Realtime Details

Example realtime details request

curl \
  -u <client_token>:

To retrieve product details, make a GET request to the following URL, replacing <product_id> with the retailer's unique identifier for a particular product.<product_id>?retailer=<retailer_name>

Using the realtime details call is identical to our normal details call with the exception that max_age is ignored.

If a realtime details call hits our cache, the call does not count against your real-time rate limit.

Realtime Offers

Example realtime offers request

curl \
  -u <client_token>:

To retrieve product offers and prices, make a GET request to the following URL, replacing :product_id with the retailer's unique identifier for a particular product.<retailer_name>

Usage and returned data is identical to our normal offers call.

Zinc Managed Accounts


Zinc Managed Accounts allow customers to place orders without worrying about creating and managing their own Amazon accounts. Instead, users of a Managed Account can fund a balance with Zinc using PayPal or wire transfer, which Zinc will then debit to place orders on your behalf.

Managed accounts are currently available for only.

Funding your account

Check account balance and view past transactions

curl "" -u <client_token>:
curl "" -u <client_token>:

Please contact [email protected]. They'll help set up funding options taylored for your needs. Generally, funding is performed either through PayPal's Mass Pay option or via wire transfer directly to our bank.

You'll need to fund your account before you'll be able to place orders.

You can check your account balance and transactions at any time.

Note: these funds are used to pay for the cost of your order on Amazon, but you'll still be billed the normal ordering fee at the end of the month. Your Zinc sales contact can provide more information about billing.

Create an order

Follow the standard documentation for creating orders with two changes:

  1. Add "addax": true to your request body.
  2. Do not supply the retailer_credentials, payment_method, or billing_address keys.

All other ordering features and options work as specified in the standard documentation.

Successful orders will result in a transaction decreasing your account balance for the currency of the market. Failed orders will not cost you anything.

ZMA orders go into a queue until a fulfillment account that meets the requirements of the order is available. If an order is queued for too long without an account becoming available, the order will fail with a zma_temporarily_overloaded error. The default queue timeout value is 4 hours (14400 seconds). To change this value, add "addax_queue_timeout": 14400 to your order, replacing the 14400 with your preferred timeout. Note: decreasing the timeout will not improve your chances of getting your order placed. If you timeout after one hour and then resubmit the order, it will go to the end of the queue.


In some cases, a Managed Account order might initially succeed (and thus charge your account) but later need to be reversed. For example, your buyer might want to return the product, or the order may be cancelled by the Amazon seller.

Cases are automatically opened by Zinc when an order is cancelled, a return is requested, and for other scenarios. You can also open a Case to ask for assistance with a failed return, cancellation, and other issues. Cases are regularly updated by Zinc with information about the status of the case.

Checking the status of a Case

Make a GET request to the case endpoint

Check Case status

curl "<order_id>/case" \
  -u <client_token>:

state will be one of the following values:

Case State Description
(null) No case has been opened for this order.
open A case has been opened for this order.
closed A case has been closed for this order.

messages contains the entire history of a case, and can have any of these values for type:

Message Type Description
case.opened.return.request_label A case has been opened for a return label
case.opened.nondelivery.not_delivered A case has been opened for a non-delivery issue
case.opened.nondelivery.damaged A case has been opened for a damaged package
case.opened.nondelivery.empty_box A case has been opened for an empty box
case.opened.tracking.request_update A case has been opened requesting an update on an order status
case.opened.cancel.forced_cancellation A case has been opened for an order force cancelled by the source
case.opened.other A catch-all category for a case
case.freetext A generic, free text case response
case.return.label_generated A return label has been generated
case.return.status_updated The case status has been updated
case.refund.partial The case has resulted in a partial refund being issued
case.refund.full The case has resulted in a full refund being issued
case.closed The case has been closed

The most up to date case status is represented by the latest object in the messages list.

Opening a Case

Make a POST request to the case endpoint

Create a new Case

curl "<order_id>/case" \
  -X POST \
  -u <client_token>: \
  -H 'Content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{"reason": "return.request_label", "message": "I need a return label"}'

To open a case you must use one of the following values for reason:

Reason Description
return.request_label Request a return label
nondelivery.not_delivered Package never delivered
nondelivery.damaged Item or package damaged
nondelivery.empty_box Empty box delivered
tracking.request_update Request update
cancel.forced_cancellation Forced cancellation by seller
other Other

Updating a Case

You can append a freetext message to a Case by POSTing a message without a reason:

Update a Case

curl "<order_id>/case" \
  -X POST \
  -u <client_token>: \
  -H 'Content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{"message": "I have an update on this case"}'


The Zinc API interfaces with the retailers via proxies. This enables each retailer interaction session to use unique and consistent IP addressing. Due to many factors, sometimes the bulk proxies available to us become blocked by retailers. The best path to keeping your own account from being blocked is to provide your own proxy service, by either hosting your own proxy or purchasing a proxy from a provider. We call this "bring-your-own-proxy" (BYOP).

Where do I get a proxy?

We cannot recommend any specific proxy provider. Many commerical providers are unsuitable because their IPs are low quality and shared among many users. It is best to use a real residential IP address dedicated to your ordering flow.

One option is to deploy the Zinc proxy container, on Github at zinc/zn-proxy.

Configure ZincAPI for your own proxy (BYOP)

To configure a BYOP, you must provide the retailer, email account, and full proxy connection URL.

Attribute Type Description
retailer string Single-word name representing the retailer
email string Email address used as account with the retailer
proxy_url string Full HTTP proxy connection string for proxy service

The proxy_url components are as follows:

Component Description
proxy_user Username for the proxy service account
proxy_password Password for the proxy service account
proxy_ip IP address of the proxy server (sample shows
proxy_port Port number of the proxy server (sample shows 1234)

Example BYOP configuration

curl "" \
  -X PUT \
  -u <client_token>: \
  -d '{"retailer":"amazon","email":"[email protected]","proxy_url":"http://proxy_user:[email protected]:1234"}'

Query ZincAPI for current BYOP details

You can also query the Zinc API for the current BYOP configuration of a specific retailer account. If the account is configured for BYOP, the full proxy information will be returned in the JSON response. If the account is configured for one of our internal proxies, the response will be successful (200) with an empty JSON body.

Example query of existing BYOP configuration

curl "" \
  -X GET \
  -u <client_token>: \
  -d '{"retailer":"amazon","email":"[email protected]"}'

Disable BYOP

Use the DELETE method instead of PUT.

Object reference

Product object

Example product object

  "product_id": "B06XGHJ5H3",
  "quantity": 1,
  "seller_selection_criteria": {
    "prime": true,
    "handling_days_max": 6,
    "condition_in": ["New"],
Attribute Type Description
product_id String The retailer's unique identifier for the product. Note that Zinc does not support digital purchases or Amazon prime pantry items.
quantity Number The number of products to purchase.
seller_selection_criteria Object A seller selection criteria object containing information about which offers to choose when there are multiple offers available. If the seller selection criteria object is not included for a product, the seller selection criteria will default to "prime": true, "handling_days_max": 6, and "condition_in": ["New"].

Seller selection criteria object

Example seller selection criteria object

  "addon": false,
  "condition_in": ["New"],
  "handling_days_max": 6,
  "max_item_price": 5350
  "min_seller_num_ratings": 100,
  "prime": true,

Seller selection criteria allow you to filter multiple offers for a product from a retailer. They give you fine grained control when a retailer has multiple offers for a single product. This happens frequently when third party or affiliated merchants are selling on a platform, such as o Amazon.

The seller selection criteria serve as a series of optional filters to narrow down the potential set of offers to something reasonable. After all the filters have been applied, Zinc will select the cheapest offer that is still available. For example, if "handling_days_max": 6 is applied, then the Zinc API will order the cheapest offer where the shipping will arrive in 6 days or less.

Attribute Type Description
addon Boolean (Amazon only) Specifies whether the selected offer should be an addon item
buy_box Boolean (Amazon only) Specifies whether the selected offer should be Amazon's default buy box offer
condition_in Array An array of item conditions that the Zinc API must order from
condition_not_in Array An array of item conditions that the Zinc API must not order from
first_party_seller Boolean Is the seller first-party? e.g. sold by on walmart
handling_days_max Number The maximum number of allowable days for shipping and handling
international Boolean Specifies whether the item should come from an international supplier
max_item_price Number The maximum allowable price in cents for an item
merchant_id_in Array (Amazon only) An array of merchant ids that the Zinc API must order from
merchant_id_not_in Array (Amazon only) An array of merchant ids that the Zinc API must not order from
min_seller_num_ratings Number (Amazon only) The minimum number of ratings required for an Amazon seller's offer to be selected
min_seller_percent_positive_feedback Number (Amazon only) The minimum percentage of positive ratings of an Amazon seller for their offer to be selected
prime Boolean (Amazon only) Specifies whether the selected offer should be an Amazon Prime offer
allow_oos Boolean (Amazon only) Specifies whether we should still attempt to complete ordering with the cheapest offer if all offers appear unavailable

Shipping object

Example shipping object

  "order_by": "price",
  "max_days": 5,
  "max_price": 1000

The shipping object gives you fine grained control over shipping speeds on your orders. Typically, there is a tradeoff between how fast your order arrives and the cost of shipping. The shipping object gives you a way to make sure that you don't go over budget and that your order still arrives on time.

Attribute Type Description
order_by String The ordering of available shipping methods that meet the desired criteria. Available values are price or speed. If ordering by price, then the Zinc API will choose the cheapest shipping method that meets the desired criteria, while speed will choose the fastest shipping method meeting the criteria.
max_days Number The maximum number of days allowed for shipping on the order.
max_price Number The maximum price in cents allowed for the shipping cost of the order.

Address object

Example address object

  "first_name": "Tim",
  "last_name": "Beaver",
  "address_line1": "77 Massachusetts Avenue",
  "address_line2": "",
  "zip_code": "02139",
  "city": "Cambridge",
  "state": "MA",
  "country": "US",
  "phone_number": "5551230101",
  "instructions": "Place packages inside blue garage door."
Attribute Type Description
first_name String The first name of the addressee
last_name String The last name of the addressee
address_line1 String The house number and street name
address_line2 String The suite, post office box, or apartment number (optional)
zip_code String The zip code of the address
city String The city of the address
state String The USPS abbreviation for the state of the address (e.g. AK)
country String The ISO abbreviation for the country of the address (e.g. US). A list of all available two-letter country codes can be found here.
phone_number String The phone number associated with the address
instructions String Optional instructions to include with the shipping addresses

Payment method object

Example payment object

  "name_on_card": "Ben Bitdiddle",
  "number": "5555555555554444",
  "security_code": "123",
  "expiration_month": 1,
  "expiration_year": 2015,
  "use_gift": false

The recommended way to pay for purchases on a retailer is by using gift card balance already applied to an account. Gift cards are supported on amazon, amazon_uk, amazon_ca, and walmart. To use the existing gift balance on the account, simply pass {"use_gift": true} as the payment method object.

To use a credit card, you must include the name_on_card, number, security_code, expiration_month, and expiration_year fields. For Amazon, you should only have a single credit card associated with an account which should be the same as the card passed in the payment method object. This allows the system to correctly answer any payment-related security questions.

Attribute Type Description
name_on_card String The full name on the credit/debit card
number String The credit/debit card number
security_code String The card verification value on the back of the credit/debit card
expiration_month Number The month of the expiration of the card (e.g. January is 1, February is 2)
expiration_year Number The year of the expiration of the card (e.g. 2016)
use_gift Boolean Whether or not to use the gift balance on the retailer account. If true, then the gift balance will be used for payment. Only works for retailers which support gift balance (Amazon and Walmart).
use_account_payment_defaults Boolean Overrides all other payment_method options and uses the default payment configuration on the account. Only applies to Amazon orders.
is_virtual_card Boolean Whether or not to check the "Virtual or one-time-use" checkbox when adding the card. Only applies to Amazon orders.

Webhooks object

Webhooks let you register a URL that the Zinc API notifies whenever an event happens pertaining to your account. When an event occurs, we will send a POST request to the URL specified in the webhooks object. If no URL was specified, then a webhook will not be sent. The body of the POST request is the standard raw JSON response for that object.

As an example, let's say you have just created an order via the Zinc API. Every time the order status changes, a POST request will be sent to the URL that you passed in the status_updated parameter of the webhooks object. The body will mimic the response received from the standard GET<request_id> request. A webhook will also be sent if order fails, gets placed, or if tracking gets updated.

Note that the case_updated webhook is specifically for ZMA order cases.

Example webhooks object

  "request_succeeded": "",
  "request_failed": "",
  "tracking_obtained": "",
  "status_updated": "",
  "case_updated": ""
Attribute Type Description
request_succeeded String The webhook URL to send data to when a request succeeds
order_placed String (deprecated) Synonym for request_succeeded (placing orders call only)
request_failed String The webhook URL to send data to when a request fails
order_failed String (deprecated) Synonym for request_failed (placing orders call only)
tracking_obtained String The webhook URL to send data to when tracking for an order is retrieved (placing orders call only)
status_updated String The webhook URL to send data to when the status of a request is updated

You can optionally pass an Array of webhooks instead of a String, and Zinc will hit all of the webhooks.

Retailer credentials object

Example retailer credentials object

  "email": "[email protected]",
  "password": "myRetailerPassword"
Attribute Type Description
email String The email for the retailer account
password String The password for the retailer account
verification_code String (Optional) The verification code required by the retailer for logging in. Only required in cases where the retailer prevents a login with an account_locked_verification_required error code.
totp_2fa_key String (Optional) The secret key used for two factor authentication. If you have two factor authentication enabled, you must provide this key. You can find the 64 digit Amazon key by enabling two factor authentication and clicking on the "Can't scan the barcode?" link. Note: This is not the 6 digit time based code.

Promo code object

Example promo code object

  "code": "FIVEBUCKSOFF",
  "optional": false,
  "merchant_id": "A3GH440E2AFGH4",
  "discount_amount": 500
Attribute Type Description
code String The promo code to apply (required)
optional Boolean (Optional) Should we continue placing the order if this code fails to apply? Defaults to false.
merchant_id String (Optional) If supplied, only try this code if we selected an offer from the given merchant.
discount_amount Number (Optional) Fixed amount in cents by which we should discount the matching merchant's offers during offer selection. Only makes sense if merchant_id is also supplied. Defaults to 0.
discount_percentage Number (Optional) Percentage amount (between 0 and 100) by which we should discount the matching merchant's offers during offer selection. Only makes sense if merchant_id is also supplied. Defaults to 0.
cost_override Number (Optional) If supplied, we will assume all offers by this merchant cost exactly this many cents. Only makes sense if merchant_id is also supplied. Overrides other discount methods.

Price components object

Example price components object

  "converted_payment_total": 1999,
  "currency": "USD",
  "payment_currency": "USD",
  "shipping" : 0,
  "subtotal" : 1999,
  "tax" : 0,
  "total" : 1999
Attribute Type Description
shipping Number The price for shipping
products Array A list of the price, quantity, and seller_id for each product_id in the order
subtotal Number The total price of the order before tax and other price adjustments
tax Number The tax collected on the order
total Number The total price paid for the order in the currency specify by the currency attribute
gift_certificate Number (Optional) The amount of value used on a gift certificate placed on the account
currency String Currency of all attributes except converted_payment_total
payment_currency String Currency used in the payment transaction
converted_payment_total Number Total payment in payment_currency currency

Merchant order ids object

Example merchant order ids object

  "merchant_order_id" : "112-1234567-7272727",
  "merchant" : "amazon",
  "account" : "[email protected]",
  "placed_at" : "2018-01-02T23:51:08.366Z",
  "tracking_url": "",
  "delivery_date": "Jan. 7, 2018"
Attribute Type Description
merchant_order_id String The identifier provided by the retailer for the order that was placed
merchant String The retailer on which the order was placed
account String The account on which the order was placed
placed_at Date The date and time at which the order was placed
tracking Array A list of the tracking numbers associated with the order
product_ids Array A list of product_ids in the order
tracking_url String The tracking url provided by the merchant (if available)
delivery_date String The projected delivery date given by the retailer

Account status object

Example account status object

  "prime": true,
  "fresh": false,
  "business": false,
  "charity": null
Attribute Type Description
prime boolean Indicates if the account has Prime enabled
fresh boolean Indicates if the account has Fresh enabled
business boolean Indicates if the account has Business enabled
charity string Indicates if the account has a Charity associated

Product offer object

Example product offer object

  "seller": {
    "num_ratings": null,
    "percent_positive": null,
    "first_party": false,
    "name": "Amazon Warehouse",
    "id": "A2L77EE7U53NWQ"
  "marketplace_fulfilled": true,
  "international": false,
  "offer_id": "eMLzuculxk%2",
  "available": true,
  "handling_days": {
    "max": 0,
    "min": 0
  "price": 928,
  "prime_only": false,
  "condition": "Used - Very Good",
  "addon": false,
  "shipping_options": [
      "price": 0,
      "delivery_days": {
        "max": 4,
        "min": 4
      "name": "one-day"
Attribute Type Description
addon Boolean Whether or not the product is an addon item that can only be purchased in a bundle
condition String The condition of the product. Possible values are New, Refurbished, Used - Like New, Used - Very Good, Used - Good, Used - Acceptable, Unacceptable.
handling_days.max Number The maximum number of days required for shipping and handling
handling_days.min Number The minimum number of days required for shipping and handling
international Boolean Whether or not the product ships from outside of the United States
offer_id String (Amazon only). The unique identifier that identifies an item sold by any merchant on Amazon
price Number The price of the item, not including shipping in cents.
marketplace_fulfilled Boolean Whether or not the product ships direct from retailer. For Amazon, this indicates if the item is shipped with Prime shipping. String The merchant's unique identifier for the product String The name of the seller of the current offer
seller.num_ratings Number The number of ratings that the seller has accumulated
seller.percent_positive Number Number between 0 and 100 denoting the percentage of positive ratings the seller has received
shipping_options[].price Number The cost to ship the item in cents
shipping_options[].delivery_days.min Number The minimum time in days it might take for the item to be delivered
shipping_options[].delivery_days.max Number The maximum time in days it might take for the item to be delivered
shipping_options[].name String The name of the shipping option
prime_only Boolean (Amazon only). Whether or not the product only ships using Amazon Prime
member_only Boolean (Costco only) Whether or not the purchase must be from a Costco Member

Tracking object

Example tracking object

      "merchant_order_id": "112-111111-6553065",
      "carrier": "ZNLOGIC",
      "tracking_number": "ZPYAA0051111007YQ",
      "delivery_status": "InTransit",
      "product_ids": [
      "tracking_url": "",
      "retailer_tracking_number": "TBA111189418000",
      "retailer_tracking_url": "",
      "obtained_at": "2018-11-29T20:53:05.924Z"
Attribute Type Description
merchant_order_id String The corresponding order identifier for which tracking was obtained.
carrier String (Optional) The logistics carrier that can track the package.
tracking_number String (Optional) The tracking number from the logistics carrier.
delivery_status String The current tracking status. Will be "Delivered" when the package is delivered.
tracking_url String (Optional) The tracking url that can be used to find the carrier and tracking number for a package.
product_ids String The list of product ids in the shipment. Product ids will be repeated if more than one of the product is in the shipment.
retailer_tracking_number String (Amazon only) (Optional) Amazon's tracking numbers are not publicly trackable but are printed on the package so we include them here.
retailer_tracking_url String (Optional) A url provided by the retailer than can be used to track the package
obtained_at String When tracking was last updated


Example error response

  "_type": "error",
  "code": "product_unavailable",
  "message": "One of the products you selected is unavailable.",
  "data": {'product_id': '018293801'}

If there is an error processing a request, the result endpoint will return an error object containing three fields: code, message, and data.

The code field provides a short, unique error code describing the error situation. The message field provides a human readable message describing the error and is intended for the developer and not the end user. The data field contains specific information related to the error. For example, the maximum quantity allowed and the desired quantity would be shown for a max_quantity_exceeded error.

The Zinc API uses the following errors:

Error Code Meaning
account_locked The retailer asked for additional information to verify your account.
account_locked_verification_required The retailer emailed you a code which you must supply to continue ordering. More info
account_login_failed We were unable to log in to the retailer with the username and password you provided.
add_on_item Add-on items cannot be ordered individually.
additional_information_required The retailer asked for additional account verification questions. If using the API, please add a field 'phone_number' in the billing address that matches your billing telephone number.
billing_address_refused The billing address you provided was refused by the retailer.
brand_not_accepted Your credit card brand is not accepted with this merchant.
cannot_schedule_delivery Item requires scheduled delivery options that Zinc does not support.
credit_card_declined The credit card you entered was declined.
duplicate_order This order is a duplicate.
expired_product_id The product_id you used is no longer supported by the retailer.
incomplete_account_setup You attempted to place an order with an account that has not been fully set up.
insufficient_zma_balance Insufficient funds in your Managed Account Balance to complete the order. Add more funds through your payment channel.
insufficient_variants You did not select all required variants for a product.
internal_error Zinc or the retailer you requested is experiencing outages. Please try again or contact [email protected] if this error persists.
invalid_card_number The credit card number you entered is not valid.
invalid_client_token Your client token is invalid.
invalid_expiration_date The expiration date on your credit card is not valid.
invalid_gift_options The gift options you provided were rejected by the retailer.
invalid_json The JSON in your request could not be parsed.
invalid_login_credentials The email and password you entered were incorrect.
invalid_payment_method The payment method provided is not available on the retailer.
invalid_promo_code One of the promotion codes you entered was not valid.
invalid_quantity The quantity for one of the products does not match the one available on the retailer.
invalid_request Validation failed on the request.
invalid_request_id The provided request_id is invalid.
invalid_security_code The security code you entered was declined.
invalid_shipping_method The shipping method you selected was not valid.
invalid_variant One of the product variants you provided was not valid.
item_not_supported The item is not supported via the buyapi - likely a digital or handmade item
manual_review_required This order is under manual review by Zinc -- please check back later for the status of this order.
max_price_exceeded The retailers final price exceeds the maximum price.
max_quantity_exceeded You have exceeded the maximum quantity available for a specific product.
max_delivery_days_exceeded This retailers estimated delivery date exceeds the max_delivery_days parameter.
no_free_shipping Free shipping is not available for the item(s) you selected.
no_gift_shipping No gift shipping was available on this order.
no_two_day_shipping Two day shipping (or faster) is not available for the item(s) you selected.
order_probably_placed This order was probably placed, but we were not able to retrieve the merchant order ids. You'll need to retry the order, so manually check the retailer website to see if the order was actually placed. If it was, cancel it and then retry the order.
payment_info_problem There was a problem with your payment information (likely not enough gift balance).
prime_pantry_not_supported Purchasing Prime Pantry items is not supported by the Zinc API.
product_unavailable One of the products you selected is not available on the retailer. Either the seller selection criteria did not match any available offers or the product is out of stock and not available for purchase.
request_processing Request is currently processing and will complete soon.
shipping_address_refused The shipping address you provided was refused by the retailer.
shipping_address_unavailable The item(s) cannot be shipped to the selected shipping address.
shipping_method_unavailable The selected shipping_method is not available for the selected shipping_address.
unauthorized_access You are not authorized to make this API call. Please contact [email protected]. (Usually, attempting to use Addax before it has been enabled)
unsupported_product_id The item product_id is not specific enough. Choose a specific product_id to order.
zma_temporarily_overloaded The ZMA system was unable to place your order within 4 hours.

Frequently Asked Questions

If we wish to place a large quantity of orders, is it best to place a large number of orders with one product per order or a smaller number of orders with multiple products in each?

Will placing many orders in short succession cause the retailer to lock our account?

What products can I buy with the Automatic Ordering API?

I submitted a lot of orders at once, why are they processing slower?

I received an internal_error response from the Automatic Ordering API. How do I handle this?

My item has variants, how do I ensure I order the correct item with Zinc?

How can I disable using a max_price?

I am receiving an Amazon security code text asking me to verify my identity when placing the order.

My payment methods are saved in my Amazon account. Can I just pass Zinc the last 4 digits of my credit card during checkout?

When will my tracking number post?

What is the structure of the POST body sent to the webhooks?

Can I authenticate Zinc webhooks?

I am not receiving POSTs to the my webhook URLs.

Why am I getting multiple POSTs to my “order_placed” or other webhook?

Do you have any sample code for using the API?

Blank Offers Page

Recently, Amazon has begun to return an empty page instead of a list of product offers. This appears to be an anti-bot response by Amazon, caused by the IP addresses used to place orders.

This appears to primarily affect the UK, DE, and IN regions. US, CA, and FR currently appear unaffected.

When this happens, our ordering agent will respond with the error amazon_antibot_blank_offers_page.

This is done because we cannot guarantee full ordering safeguards without accessing this offers page.

There are two workarounds that can be attempted:

  1. Set take_buybox_offers to true on the top level of the ordering object. This will automatically accept the first offer on the Amazon product page, without applying any seller_selection_criteria. For safety, it is suggested to set max_price and max_delivery_days as well. Because this accepts the default offer, it will not require loading the broken page.

  2. Bring your own proxy with BYOP. Ideally, you should use a real residential IP that is dedicated to your ordering flow. For more details, review the BYOP docs.

We will continue to monitor the situation and update this page as new details emerge.